4 datasets found

Keywords: parking-space

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  • Bike Parkings

    The data set contains around 1200 bicycle parking spaces (bicycle parking facilities / parking spaces). The data refers only to the locations available to SBB.

  • Park & Rail - parking facilities

    The data feed consists of a file from SBB. The feed contains car parking data (Park&Rail, Park&Ride, P&R) that can be used to change the mode of transport to trains.

  • Locations and availability of shared mobility services in real time

    Shared mobility is the shared use of means of transport such as cars, taxis, bikes, scooters, etc. These are then no longer considered private property, but shared property...

  • Open Journey Planner 2020

    OJP is the API's Route Planner. The API can be used to plan trips, track journeys, and build departure and arrival indicators. OJP works from coordinate to coordinate, address...